
Well it's been almost 1 year since we launched Truth & Co... hard to believe!  And it's also been a while since we posted here, but all for good reasons.  We hadn't barely hit the ground running before June hit and we found out we would once again be adding a new addition to our family!

We were a little in shock to be honest as we couldn't imagine life being more full than it already was... but a couple blinks later, here we are and expecting another little girl in a few weeks!

We titled this post #4 because... well... we can't decide on a name for #4.

Naming a human is no small thing and maybe being our last journey with pregnancy (that's right, we done!) we are feeling the pressure but at the same time, we don't want to rush it. 

Ava Truth, Rosalin Grace, Eleanor Love and.... ????  I guess we'll figure it out before we leave the hospital :)

Meanwhile, in 2016, we also added 4 team members!!!!  Leigh Anne, Hillary, Sarah and Kat!  You can read more about them in "The Team" section of this site, but they are AMAZING, super talented and we couldn't be more excited to have them as part of this journey. 

We also launched our first product, a pennant, to help remind us what the season is all about!  It's in our SHOP section and we can't wait to add more there in the months ahead.

But while these exciting things have been developing, I won't lie, it's been one of the hardest, most challenging years of our lives.  Everything that is new and wonderful, also comes with it's need for time and attention... drawing from the same 24 hour pool as all the other important and wonderful things.  So in this season, while we've learned a lot, I'm constantly reminded, these are the times when we actually grow.  So as I reflect on 2016, above all, my heart floods with gratefulness.  Sure, my back hurts and I'm a little exhausted, but my heart is full and I believe the future is as bright as can be!

So, thanks to you all for following along, your prayers and patience and friendship... 

2017 is sure to have its share of surprises but with hope, we plan to make the most of it...

"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy... think about such things"


Photo Oct 05, 7 19 24 PM (1).jpg