Darnell Cottage "Quaran-Tour": How to build a playhouse!
You may have noticed on our tour of our backyard last week a white playhouse situated in the left corner. Fun fact, we actually designed and built it!
Several years ago, we had the idea to create a playhouse for our girls. I sketched out out the plans. And one weekend, when my parents were in town from Canada, Casey and my dad made it come to life!
The Plan
The girls really wanted a 2 story playhouse but we decided to adjust the plans last minute for safety. All I could picture is Eleanor (18 months old at the time) hanging off the edge for dear life...
Here is our very rough sketch to show our vision and plan. Feel fee to use or adapt to your own design!
The Build
After about 20 trips to Home Depot, we finally had all that we needed and got to work. In total, we spent less than $1000 on supplies!
After the wood cured, we stained the walls white and the floors a more natural color. You can check out the white wood stain we used HERE!
Ava helping Dad and Grandpa!
Busy at work!
Step 1: Build the base
Step 2: Frame out
Step 3: Wait for wood to cure!
The Result
Over the years, our “Wonder Playhouse,” has been just that. A place for our girls to wonder, explore, dream and their imaginations to flourish.
They play everything from "Chick-fil-A" drive thru to putting on plays on their front deck “stage”.
These are the memories we will cherish forever.
At the end of the day, this is really why we do what we do. We love getting to help families build backdrops for all their memories. It never gets old.
Galvanized Planters - Here are similar ones here!
Our playhouse was featured in Country Living!